Cross Time again!


The first race with the new team kit did not exactly go as planned. We went up to Mannheim to do the Star Cross there which every year marks the beginning for the Cyclocross season in Germany. As it turned out, the organizers there are super friendly and the 2-k course is exactly as I think a Cross circuit should be: Some passages twisty, but also speed in it and some really tricky little descents.

The day started with my friend Bekka ripping her rear derailleur out of her one week old frame – bummer! And well, it went on like that: The Hobby-guys, including me, started together with the Pros and around half way through the first lap I crashed in a muddy corner. I needed some time to sort it all out and so I had lost the field. I spent the rest of the race chasing the other unlucky ones and managed to get at least two of them (who later gave up unfortunately). But not enough: Close to the finish one of the Pro guys decided he had to scream ugly stuff at people he was overlapping. What the hell? If you start shouting “HEY! HEY! HEY!” thirty metres away don’t expect us to vanish in a millisecond, but either tell us “Right!” or “Left!”. One of the guys directly in front of me tried to tell him afterwards. Things got even worse and in the end those guys (well, more the Pro guy than the other one) were really close to beat each other up. Never had that at a cycling event, never want to have that shit again.

Oh, here are more picks of the lame duck in the cool jersey.

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