300km Road, Training for the summer: Radmarathon.ch

Last weekend we decided very spontaneous to do the 300km Road Run at Radmarathon.ch. Its always at the first weekend in july and therefore a perfect fitness test for the bike marathon season, which starts shortly after. We were a good team of 4, whith two stronger leaders and two less stronger followers. Our aim was to do it again (last time 2009)  in around 12.5 hours with 4 breaks of 15min each.  Finally we made it exactly in 12.5 hours while needing 5 breaks…because 30min after start my front tube exploded with a loud boom and I had to replace the tube. Anyway, it worked but I had a lower and unknown pressure in the front tire for the rest of the day.

Otherwise all worked perfectly nice, weather was ideal and not to hot. After about 170km we had a rather important second break, since slowly my bottom started to hurt (even if the nice carbon saddle is called Komvor…) and my legs and feet ankles felt less good too.  After the break however the body worked fine again and we were heading with speed to the next two shorter stops.

Well, in the end all worked perfectly good, we kept our steady pace at around 26-28 km/h nonstop and besides one of us having  stomach troubles we were fine and good until the finish. A week later my bottom is good again and the marathon season can come. Jiha!! 🙂

Picture: Me and the team of 4. Our powerhorses and windshades are to the  left and right. Man, they have a pressure on the pedal….

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Filed under racing team

One response to “300km Road, Training for the summer: Radmarathon.ch

  1. cfoe

    R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Jochen! 300k in one day sound freaking hard. Are you coming to SiS this year, would be cool to meet you!

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